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ADAA Continuing Education Credits for Live and On-Demand Programming

Learners complete an evaluation form to receive a certificate of completion. You must participate in the entire activity as partial credit is not available.  If you are seeking continuing education credit for a specialty not listed below, it is your responsibility to contact your licensing/certification board to determine course eligibility for your licensing/certification requirement.

Some ADAA professional webinars focused on diversity or cultural competency subject matter are eligible for the Cross-Culture Competency Diversity Credit. If a webinar is eligible for this credit, it will be reflected on your credit certificate.

All continuing education credits are provided through Amedco, LLC. Learn more about the CE/CME accreditation information here.

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264 million people

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264 million people worldwide live with depression.* Our World Data

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In 2017, around 17.3 million adults age 18 or older in the U.S. had experienced at least one major depressive episode in the last year (6.7% of adults in the U.S.).* (National Institute of Mental Health)


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From the Experts


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Sponsor and Support Opportunities


Diamond Level - $25,000 +

  • Interaction pavilion for greeting and communicating with attendees in a high traffic area
  • Exclusive sponsorship of one of the following exciting opportunities: a Conference Keynote session, the Ross Lecture, ADAA’s Welcome Reception (Thursday, March 17) or co-branding of the registration area
  • Have a representative provide evidence-based (non-advertorial) comments at the above selected sponsored event either in person (limited to 5 minutes) or via video presentation (limited to 3 minutes)
  • Partner logo included in the ADAA conference app for exclusively sponsored sessions/events
  • Recognition on the Thank You to Our Sponsors slides on the large screen in our general sessions
  • Banner advertisement in the conference mobile app
  • One “push alert” through the ADAA conference app related to content opportunity (i.e., related to interaction pavilion or upcoming welcome comments)
  • Four complimentary conference registrations (valued at $2,000+)
  • One ad/banner posting for 180 days on an ADAA website page of your choice (valued at $2,000)
  • One full page ad in the digital program (valued at $1,000)
  • Table at sponsored event with company collateral
  • Collaborate with ADAA to support either a professional or public education webinar on a topic jointly chosen by the partner and approved by the ADAA professional or public education committee (option available for 12 months at signing of the contract)
  • Company logo on the conference website and in ADAA marketing materials, emails, and the digital program
  • One pre or post email-blast to conference attendees
  • Promotion through ADAA’s social media channels

Platinum Level - $15,000 +

  • Exclusive sponsorship of the Clinical Practice Symposium or the Scientific Research Symposium
  • Sponsor to have choice of producing a one-minute pre-recorded session welcoming video or have a representative greet the audience at the above selected sponsored event (limited to 1 minute)
  • One ad/banner posting for 180 days on an ADAA website page of your choice (valued at $2,000)
  • Three complimentary conference registrations (valued at more than $1,500)
  • One full page ad in the digital program (valued at $1,000)
  • Recognition on the Thank You to Our Sponsors slides on the large screen in our general sessions
  • One post-conference email-blast to conference attendees
  • Table at sponsored event with company collateral
  • Partner logo will be included in the ADAA conference app for exclusively sponsored sessions
  • Sponsor a professional or public education webinar on a topic jointly chosen by the partner and approved by the ADAA professional or public education committee (option available for 12 months at signing the contract)
  • Company logo on the conference website and in all ADAA marketing materials, emails, and the digital program
  • Promotion through ADAA’s social media channels

Gold Level - $10,000 +

  • Exclusive sponsorship of either the Master Clinician Sessions or the Poster Hall
  • Partner logo will be included in the ADAA conference app for exclusively sponsored sessions/events
  • One ad/banner posting for 120 days on an ADAA website page of your choice (valued at $1,600)
  • Two complimentary conference registrations (valued at $1,000)
  • One half page ad in the digital program (valued at $600)
  • Recognition on the Thank You to Our Sponsors slides on the large screen in our general sessions
  • Table at sponsored event with company collateral
  • Company logo on the conference website and in all ADAA marketing materials, emails, and the digital program
  • Promotion through ADAA’s social media channels

Silver Level - $5,000 +

  • Non-exclusive sponsor (no more than two sponsors per category) of either the CDLP Awards program (separate half-day program), the First Time Attendee Breakfast or exclusive sponsor of lanyard (Lanyard sponsor responsible for designing, purchasing, and shipping lanyards at their own expense. ADAA will provide expected number of registrants. Requires ADAA approval prior to printing.)
  • Partner logo will be included in the ADAA conference app for exclusively sponsored sessions/events
  • One complimentary conference registration (valued at $500)
  • Recognition on the Thank You to Our Sponsors slides on the large screen in our general sessions
  • One ad/banner posting for 30 days on an ADAA website page of your choice (valued at $1,000 value)
  • Table at sponsored event with company collateral
  • Company logo on the conference website and in all ADAA marketing materials, emails, and the digital program
  • Promotion through ADAA’s social media channels

Bronze Level - $1,700 +

  • Large screen LCD in high traffic area to display your company video (up to 2 minutes). Participating company ads will rotate continuously during the conference
  • 50% discount on conference registration for up to 2 representatives
  • Recognition on the Thank You to Our Sponsors slides on the large screen in our general sessions
  • Collateral displayed at a high traffic area for “featured contributors”
  • Company logo on the conference website and in all ADAA marketing materials, emails, and the digital program
  • Promotion through ADAA’s social media channels

Stand Alone Conference Support Opportunities - $1,500 +

  • Tote bag provider - Sponsor responsible for designing, purchasing, and shipping tote bags at their own expense. (ADAA will provide number of expected registrants.) Requires ADAA approval prior to printing
  • Headshot photo station with branding of your company as sponsor
  • Refillable, branded water bottles - Sponsor responsible for designing, purchasing, and shipping water bottles at their own expense. (ADAA will provide number of expected registrants). Requires ADAA approval prior to printing
  • Coffee service with materials table during service
  • Reboot break with materials table during service
  • Hotel keycards with your company logo
  • Branded recharging stations
  • Branded hand sanitation stations