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Alan F. Schatzberg, MD
Kenneth T. Norris, Jr., Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University School of Medicine

Blog post 07.21.2021

Thriving with Anxiety and Depression

In contrast to more traditional psychological approaches, positive psych concerns itself with the good stuff in life. It strives to understand what makes for a good life and how we can not only maintain average or ‘normal’ functioning but how we can actually surpass it. Positive psychology focuses on building strengths and on maximizing wellbeing. In a word, it’s all about thriving. 
Personal Story 07.20.2021

Free Yourself. Be Yourself: Free The Bird.

16-year-old Adnan Alkhalil created and unincorporated nonprofit association/foundation called Free The Bird which is run by youth for youth in an effort to break free of dysphoria.
Event 07.20.2021

Supporting Parents - Does Your Child Have Anxiety or OCD?

You can do a lot to help! How can you be supportive and also demonstrate your belief in your child's ability to cope? This webinar will introduce SPACE, a proven, effective approach that works directly through you, the parent. Get the tools to be supportive while showing your child confidence that they can cope.

Blog post 07.19.2021

Returning Safely to In-Person Learning

One of the biggest adversities children have faced in quarantine is social isolation from their peers. Schooling and extracurricular activities associated with long-term education plans were the first to go during the shutdown, as the highest priority was to protect children from the spread of the virus. While necessary for the safety of the public, this has shown to have devastating effects on pediatric mental health.
Personal Story 07.15.2021

Creating a Safe Space Online

As a Twitch Streamer,  a live-streaming platform for gamers, I plan to give back to people who are feeling the same way I felt, and to create a safe place where people can come and hang out and talk about life. Because life is hard and we can't do it alone. 
Personal Story 07.15.2021

OCD Artist: Amy Diener on Dot Painting and OCD Triumphs

After viewing my art and story, I want others to understand that we are not alone in this and should not be embarrassed of our struggles. Instead, acknowledge them and work hard to triumph over them.
Webinar 07.15.2021

Does Your Child Have Anxiety or OCD?

Recorded public webinar presented by Dr. Eli Lebowitz. This webinar will introduce SPACE, a proven, effective approach that works directly through you, the parent. Get the tools to be supportive while showing your child confidence that they can cope.