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Blog post 04.02.2021

Antiracist Parenting is a Journey Not a Destination

Parenting is an increasingly complex job. It’s layered with important responsibilities one of which is raising anti-racist children. In addition to being a Registered Psychologist, I am also a parent, a white parent, who wonders what I can do to engage with this important work.

Personal Story 04.02.2021

Overcoming Emetophobia

I can remember it like yesterday, the fateful day when everything changed; the day that changed the course of my life forever. I was ten years old and up until that year my life was seemingly perfect.

Blog post 04.01.2021

Mass Shootings Leave Emotional and Mental Scars

The deadly shootings of eight people in Atlanta on March 16 and 10 people in Boulder, Colorado, on March 22 brought heartache and grief to the families and friends of the victims.

About the Author: Dahyeon Kim is a doctoral candidate in the Clinical Sciences program at the University of Notre Dame. She received her B.A. in Cognitive Sciences and Psychology from Rice University.

Personal Story 03.31.2021

Conquering Panic Attacks and Reinventing Myself

Story of Triumph written by Tyler Ellis "Mental health issues can be debilitating and isolating; you may feel like you’re alone in this, but you’re not. If someone like me can overcome panic disorder and anxiety, so can you."

Tejal is a clinical psychologist and has been in private practice since 2010. She founded Willow Anxiety and OCD in 2016, which has grown into a thriving group practice. Tejal has expertise in treating OCD, BDD, BFRBs, perfectionism, and anxiety and mood disorders.