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Page 09.08.2016

How OCD Affects Social Interaction at School

Attending school presents students with opportunities to develop academic skills along with social skills that will follow a student throughout life. For a student who has OCD, symptoms can present barriers to social development.

Personal Story 09.07.2016

My Lifelong Struggle With Social Anxiety

TobiasAtkins-personal-story-social-anxiety-website.jpgFor most of my life I’ve struggled with social anxiety disorder, along with generalized an

Social anxiety is not a life sentence and with some work, you can get over it.
Page 08.24.2016

Support Strategies

Strategies for Managing the Student and the Situation

When a student has OCD, the patterns of problems of the disorder may become more obvious and predictable.

Page 08.24.2016

Social Support Strategies

Students who have OCD may benefit from social support strategies at school.

Teachers, principals, school nurses, social workers, psychologists, counselors, and paraprofessionals can play a pivotal role in helping a student.

Page 08.18.2016

OCD at School

OCD is like an unwelcome guest with bad manners. It moves into a mind — and it doesn’t want to leave.

Blog post 08.15.2016

3 Things Your College Kid Must Know About Mental Health

College is typically a challenging experience with some expected highs and lows. For some it is also the time during which common mental health problems start. Because of this, you have to talk to your kid about mental health before school starts.

Blog post 08.08.2016

A Guide for the Anxious Traveler

“Oh, the places you’ll go!” exclaimed Dr. Seuss, as he he hoped to inspire children to live a vigorous life of travel, exploration, and discovery. But for people with severe anxiety, travel could be considered the ultimate discomfort zone.