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Page 07.25.2012

Webinar Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsor Spotlight Webinars offers mental health treatment providers from across disciplines the opportunity to share current, innovative research and treatment approaches with ADAA’s professional community.
Support Group 07.23.2012

Women with Anxiety

A bi-monthly support group for women to connect with other women who are dealing with anxiety and get support from one another.

Page 07.11.2012

PTSD Symptoms in Children Age Six and Younger

Posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is diagnosed after a person experiences symptoms for at least one month following a traumatic event. The disorder is characterized by three main types of symptoms:

Page 07.05.2012

Screening for Depression

If you suspect that you might suffer from depression, answer the questions below, print out the results, and share them with your health care professional.

Support Group 03.27.2012

Overcome Support Group

This group is open to military veterans returning from war, and is designed to welcome service members home and help them heal with pastoral care, mentoring, and coaching.