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Personal Story 11.22.2022

Emotionally Numb

Well, there was something wrong with me and it wasn't until years later that I realized that I had become emotionally numb.  In the following years I read several self-help books that gave me hope and something to believe in but it took a very long time for my emotions to wake up. 
Webinar 11.18.2022

Best Practice CBT for Tinnitus Distress

Tinnitus is a common neurological condition in which a person hears internal sounds which have no external source. This webinar incorporates concepts and strategies from two therapies in the CBT family, which have been shown to significantly reduce tinnitus distress: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).  
Clinical Trial 11.16.2022

fMRI Response Inhibition Training Project

Description of Study

The UWM Anxiety Disorder Lab and the UWM Affective Neuroscience Lab are currently testing computer-based treatment programs designed to help adults (aged 18-60) suffering from problematic repetitive behaviors.

Principal Investigator
Christine Larson, PhD