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Blog post 02.13.2021

CBT for Weight Control

It can be challenging to control your weight. In today’s modern world, it is more convenient to order take out than to cook a meal and take the elevator instead of the stairs. Over time, a pattern of eating unhealthy foods and being sedentary can lead to excessive weight gain.

Article 02.12.2021

Strategic Plan

ADAA’s roadmap to triumph over anxiety and depression through science, treatment and education.
Article 02.12.2021

Johana Kaplan, PhD

Member Since 2010 Joining ADAA is not just about supporting an organization and its mission, it’s also about the relationship that you can form with the members as individuals and how they can help you achieve your goals while giving back.
Page 02.11.2021

Professionals Publications

ADAA offers its members and the broader mental health professional community a number of specialized publications that highlight current research and treatment trends in the anxiety, depression and related disorders field.
Page 02.11.2021

Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are a vibrant forum for ADAA members with a common interest, such as a particular disorder, treatment, or population.
Page 02.11.2021


Engaging members in our work is an essential element for sustaining and positioning the organization for ongoing success.
Article 02.08.2021

Webinars Redirect Page

Free live and on-demand webinars with ADAA member experts answering questions about anxiety disorders, OCD, PTSD, depression and co-occurring disorders.
Article 02.08.2021

Videos Redirect Page

Watch videos on a variety of topics produced by ADAA, our partners and friends.

Dr. Debra Kissen is CEO of Light On Anxiety CBT Treatment Center. Dr. Kissen specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for anxiety and related disorders. Dr.