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Page 04.09.2019

2021 Exhibitors

Thank you to all of our 2021 Exhibitors. We hope to see you in Denver in 2022!
Blog post 03.25.2019

Avoid the Snake Oil: Pseudoscience and OCD Treatment

People with OCD see on average three to four doctors over nine years before receiving a correct diagnosis. Having it finally named may offer some sense of relief— once a condition’s identified, you can get down to properly treating it, right? Well…yes and no. 
Blog post 03.07.2019

“Just Checking” on the Ones We Love

Text me when your plane lands.
Text me to let me know you got home safely.
Where are you?
How are you?
Hey did you get my last text? (sent 2 minutes ago!)

Jessica Flores, BA es una estudiante de doctorado en el programa de psicología clínica en la Universidad de Kentucky (UK). En UK, ella es parte del Colaborativo de Investigación sobre el Estrés, Trauma y Recuperación (STARRC por sus siglas en inglés) dirigido por la Dra.

Webinar 03.05.2019


Depresión: una discusión de cuáles son los síntomas de la depresión clínica y cuando se debe buscar ayuda por Jessica Flores.

Blog post 03.04.2019

If Elephants Could Talk

ADAA’s 2019 Annual Conference quickly approaches! The conference tagline “Transcending Cultural, Racial and Socioeconomic Barriers” was a call to action for presenters. We asked and you delivered. Of our over 160 amazing sessions, 75 will address the topic of diversity!

Michelle Witkin, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist with over 25 years’ experience. She is in private practice in Valencia, California, where she specializes in treating children, teens, and adults with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and anxiety disorders.  Dr.