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Sheila A.M. Rauch, Ph.D., ABPP, led design and now serves as Deputy Director of the Emory Healthcare Veterans Program and Director of Mental Health Research and Program Evaluation at the VA Atlanta Healthcare System. Dr.

Support Group 01.28.2019

Women Conquering Depression

Sharing with other women who are on the quest to manage symptoms and increase coping skills. Discussion and psychoeducation on the diagnosis.

Personal Story 01.22.2019


MARE is a fashion label centered on owning struggles, failures, darkness, night’MARE’s and using them to drive success, growth and positivity. We urge our community to take action, pulling oneself out of a negative space and into a positive state. Life ain’t fair, but what are you going to do about it? 

Professor Eli Lebowitz studies and treats childhood and adolescent anxiety at the Yale School of Medicine, Child Study Center, where he is director of the Program for Anxiety Disorders.

Blog post 01.11.2019

How Do You Talk to Your Loved One Suffering With Depression?

Family members often feel frustrated and helpless as they do not know what to say or how to behave with their loved one who they may view as not being proactive in trying to get better or being irritable and negative with them.

Page 01.10.2019

5th Annual Clinical Practice Symposium

Friday, March 29, 2019 Description: This year our annual clinical symposium will feature a panel of expert clinicians demonstrating key interventions with an adult client struggling with Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), rumination, and suicidal ideation.