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Blog post 10.12.2017

Questioning Whether You Have OCD When You Have OCD

Often patients, in the course of their treatment for OCD, will question whether they actually have OCD or not. This doubt feels different to them than the doubt arising from the intrusive thoughts that initially brought them into treatment. But this doubt about having OCD is OCD!

Member Since 2003

Webinar 10.06.2017

For My Anxiety or Depression: Should I Use Medication or Therapy?

Some of the topics covered: What are the roles of medication and therapy? How can my psychiatrist (or primary care doctor) and my therapist work together as a team? How soon can I expect to see results from medication? How soon can I expect to see results from cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)?

Personal Story 10.05.2017

between spaces - mindswimmer

mindswimmers_0.jpgmindswimmer is an experimental jazz quintet committed to using our art to improve the world around us.

Melanie VanDyke, PhD is a licensed psychologist at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the Center for OCD & Anxiety-Related Disorders at Saint Louis Behavioral Medicine Institute. Dr.