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Page 07.19.2017

Professional and Public Webinar FAQs

Please find below answers to frequently asked questions about ADAA's professional webinar offerings. If you have any additional questions or require further clarification, please email ADAA.
Video (YouTube or Vimeo) 07.12.2017

New Biological Pathway Identified for PTSD

High blood levels of a hormone produced in response to stress are linked to post-traumatic stress disorder in women but not men, a study from researchers at Emory University and the University of Vermont has found. The results appear in the Feb. 24 issue of Nature.

Personal Story 07.12.2017

Allison's Story

allison kugel standing shot_0.jpgAt 3 AM on a July 2012 morning, I lay helpless on an emergency room cot, unable to experience any emotion other than fear and the physical sensat

Blog post 07.10.2017

Social Anxiety: Imperfect is the New Perfect

Reviewed October 2020

The biggest fear of individuals with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is that of being found to be deficient and judged for the deficiency.

Personal Story 05.25.2017

Stressed Out?

Rivka.pngRivka Bennun is a fourteen year old freshman at Shulamith High School for Girls in Cedarhurst, NY.

Personal Story 05.22.2017

Kayleigh's Story

KayleighPic.jpgI have battled more at the age of 25 than most humans do in a lifetime. Take a moment to think of the most dreadfully painful experience you have had – I can empathize with you.

Personal Story 05.22.2017

Stephanie's Story

Stephanie-C.pngStephanie generously shared her story and her struggle with anxiety and depression with the ADAA community last year (and has been very grateful for the support she re