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Dr. Sally Winston is a clinical psychologist and co-director of the Anxiety and Stress Disorders Institute of Maryland.

Patrick McGrath is an international lecturer and trainer for anxiety disorders and OCD. He also heads NOCD which is an established platform to disseminate treatments for OCD. 

Dr. Hope received her PhD in clinical psychology from the University at Albany-State University of New York in 1990 and joined the faculty at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln the same year.

Webinar 10.04.2017

Overcoming the Fear of Vomiting - Part One - 2017

Ken Goodman, LCSW, explains the pervasive nature of Emetophobia – the fear of vomiting – the vicious cycle which keeps sufferers trapped, and the strategy for conquering this all-consuming fear. Please click here to forward any questions for Mr.

Article 09.22.2017

ADAA Publications/Special Offerings

We invite you to explore the following exclusive ADAA publications geared towards mental health students, trainees and professionals. Also listed here are two ADAA exclusive self-help publications we encourage you to share with clients.

Blog post 09.13.2017

Helping Children Survive the Emotional Aftermath of a Hurricane

No parent has adequate words to explain the destruction that nature causes.  When our children ask us the big questions, such as “Why?” or “What is going to happen next?” after a flood, earthquake or hurricane has destroyed their home, community or disrupted daily life, adults can get stuck

Page 09.07.2017

Mission and History

Founded in 1979, ADAA is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment, and cure of anxiety, depressive, obsessive-compulsive, and trauma-related disorders through education, practice, and research.

Article 09.06.2017

Treatment & Management

Medication alone and psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy) alone can relieve depressive symptoms.