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Jessi Gold, MD, MS, is an Assistant Professor and the Director of Wellness, Engagement, and Outreach in the Department of Psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis.

Personal Story 05.16.2022

Everlasting Suicide

Over all these years I was taking care of everyone else and needed to take care of me. In my process of finding myself I found that I never got over my mother's suicide. In today's world we don't have to sweep it under the rug, there doesn't need to be the skeleton in the closet and very well we don't have to suffer on our own. We shouldn't be afraid to talk to someone. 
Blog post 05.13.2022

Overcoming Agoraphobia - Q&A

A Q&A with ADAA Member Karen Cassiday, PhD, ACT answering community questions on overcoming agoraphobia.

Dr. Nick Jacobson is an assistant professor in the departments of Biomedical Data Science, Psychiatry, and Computer Science within the Center for Technology and Behavioral Health in the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College.

Emily Bernstein completed her doctorate in clinical psychology at Harvard University and is now a Hope Fellow in psychology with the Center for OCD and Related Disorders (CORD) at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

Podcast 05.13.2022

Innovations in Digital Mental Health - Podcast

ADAA sits down with ADAA Members Emily E. Bernstein, PhD and Nicholas C. Jacobson, PhD to discuss what app-based therapies and the ongoing research in digital mental health.

Blog post 05.11.2022

Should I Treat my Depression or Anxiety with Nutraceuticals and Herbs?

Nutraceuticals and herbal remedies are very popular in the United States and worldwide.  Reasons for their popularity include access without a prescription, and generally fewer side effects compared to prescription drugs.  However, the safety and efficacy products are less well studied and understood compared to FDA approved drugs. With growing use, we have seen more cases of serious side effects, toxic reactions, and interactions with other drugs.  Shopping for nutraceuticals can also be tricky because different commercial preparations may vary in purity and strength.  Finally, these treatments are not generally covered by medical insurance, so the consumer must pay out of pocket.

Rachel Yehuda, PhD, is an Endowed Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Trauma.  She is also Director of Mental Health at the James J. Peters Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Dr.

Blog post 05.11.2022

Rethinking "Mental" Health

What would it be like if we approached mental health the same way we do physical health? If we normalized it. Everyone – every single human being with a human brain – needs to focus on psychological well-being.