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Page 09.26.2019

Perinatal Mood Disorders

Pregnancy and the birth of a child is a exciting and celebratory time for many families.

Dr. Lizabeth Roemer is Professor in the Department of Psychology at University of Massachusetts Boston, where she is actively involved in research and clinical training of doctoral students in clinical psychology. Dr.

Webinar 09.23.2019

The Mindful Way Through Anxiety

This webinar describes the nature of anxiety and various ways in which anxiety can be maintained.    Dr. Roemer provides an overview of mindfulness, the various ways it can be practiced, and how mindfulness can be of benefit to those with anxiety.

Blog post 09.23.2019

How to Overcome a Fear of Flying

Overcoming a fear of flying takes a lot of courage and practice. But it is possible with appropriate treatment.

Personal Story 09.23.2019

Fashion for Life 2018

For my senior collection, I really wanted to bring those feelings to life. The feeling of everything is fine on the outside, but “I’m dying” on the inside.  People have basically shunned the idea that mental illness can be a problem as they say, “You’re fine!”, “Just deal with it.”, “There is nothing wrong.” But there is something wrong.