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Page 06.11.2019

Can CBD Help with My Anxiety and Depression?

Posted June 2019

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a natural compound that has gained popularity in recent years. Here are some frequently asked questions about CBD answered by two mental health professionals who are working in this area:

Personal Story 06.07.2019

Trevor's Story

“Hello, my name is Trevor Clifford, I am a video producer with 10 years of experience in corporate and commercial content.

Dr. Alexandra Hamlet is a clinical psychologist in the Mood Disorders Center at the Child Mind Institute in New York City.

Blog post 05.24.2019

Quick Tips to Combat Stigma Around Mental Health

Discussing mental health is difficult for everyone, especially for those who experience their own mental health challenges. Our society has made this a taboo topic, which only exacerbates the issue.

Blog post 05.24.2019

Living with Chronic Illness

Living with chronic illness can sometimes feel like an insurmountable challenge. It can be demoralizing, scary, isolating, and frustrating. But there is hope. Read on to learn several helpful strategies to cope with chronic illness.

Blog post 05.21.2019

Mental Health Resources for Suicide Survivors

The loss of a loved one to suicide is a far too common tragedy. In 2017 alone, 47,173 people in the United States died by suicide [1] and it is estimated that an average of 135 people are exposed to each suicide death [2].

Personal Story 05.15.2019


’ve been struggling with panic disorder for 16 years. I still work every day to tame my incessant worry and paralyzing fears. I created Hyper-Ventilate, an immersive performance, to encourage people to air out their experiences with anxiety and hopefully transform the audience’s understanding of mental health.