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Page 01.30.2018

Senior Women

Older adults go through many life changes such as death of loved one, retirement and/or medical problems.

Christine Moberg is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Head of Psychology at Pacifica Labs, Inc. a mental health technology startup dedicated to empowering individuals to manage their stress, anxiety and depression.

Article 01.18.2018

Girls and Teens

Studies show that nearly a quarter of teenage girls display depressive symptoms and that over two-thirds of teenagers taking antidepressants are girls
Page 01.16.2018

Perimenopause and Depression

Women have an increased risk for depression as they transition to menopause. The time period before menopause is "perimenopause" and it represents the passage from reproductive to non-reproductive life.
Article 01.16.2018

Eating Disorders


Page 01.12.2018

Women and Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are real, serious medical conditions - just as real and serious as physical disorders such as heart disease or diabetes. Anxiety disorders are the most common and pervasive mental disorders in the United States. 
Page 01.11.2018

Women and Depression

Key findings in the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Data Brief issued on Feb. 13 show that more than 8% of adults older than 20 years old reported having depression during a given two-week period.