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Personal Story 12.24.2017

Now the 'Why?' - Part Two

3 months laterChicago_1_0.jpg - Wow, I can’t believe I am finally mustering up the strength to being writing about how things have been these past three months.

Personal Story 12.20.2017

Abigail's Story

ADAA2_0.jpgMy name is Abigail Hills and I am an illustration major at Grand Valley State University in Michigan.  I was in a car accident, a few years ago, and suffered a hit to the

Desde 2013, el Dr. Cueva ha trabajado en la clinica de comunidad para Veteranos en Brooksville, FL que forma parte del Hospital James A. Haley para Veteranos.

Blog post 11.28.2017

How Perfectionism Can Affect Your Holidays

Holidays often come with the pressure to entertain and be a “perfect” host.  Being perfectionistic in the details of holiday planning, can ruin the fun for ourselves, as well as those around us.  While most people are happy to be around friends or family, enjoying good food, drinks and

Personal Story 11.21.2017

“Panic Attack!”

I’d be stuck in traffic, and these irritating voices would take my brain hostage “Did you leave the coffee on? The house will catch on fire, the neighbors will burn!”

Valerie Hoover, PhD is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Instructor in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at Stanford University, School of Medicine.  Dr.

Page 11.03.2017

ADAA Career Opportunities - Join our Team!

ADAA is an established and fast-growing non-profit international membership association dedicated to the prevention, treatment, and cure of anxiety and depression-related disorders through education, practice, and research.  ADAA’s unique interlinked consumer and professional mission fo

Jill M. Emanuele, PhD, is the Vice-President, Clinical Training and Senior Psychologist at the Child Mind Institute, and is a member of its executive and leadership teams.