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Personal Story 06.19.2023

Making Connections Between Buddhism & Neuroscience

As I made connections between Buddhism and neuroscience, I realized they both shared a common insight: the need to retrain our brains and ourselves to value inner peace over fleeting pleasure, to find joy amidst challenges, and to discover happiness in the very process of living.
Personal Story 06.17.2023

Seeking the Light

I didn’t know that what I was experiencing was called depression until I was in my early forties, although with the benefit of hindsight I have come to realize that I have been dealing with it for almost my entire life.
Video (YouTube or Vimeo) 06.15.2023

How Common is PTSD?

Did you know that approximately 8% of the general population experiences PTSD? Today is PTSD Screening Day and ADAA member Dr. Arash Javanbakht‘s video offers important insights on the prevalence of PTSD.

Video (YouTube or Vimeo) 06.15.2023

How PTSD Changes the Brain

Ever wonder how PTSD changes the brain? This PTSD Awareness Month,  Dr. Arash Javanbakht, a renowned psychiatrist and ADAA member, sheds light on the fascinating neuroscience behind PTSD in this insightful video.

Blog post 06.13.2023

What is Trauma, What is PTSD, Who is Affected, and How to Get Help

What happens in PTSD, is that the brain goes into the fight and flight mode and is constantly on alert to protect the person from recurrence of the highly dangerous experience. But the problem is that it cannot come down from that state of heightened arousal, even after leaving the dangerous situation, and coming back to the safe life environment. 
Personal Story 06.13.2023

War Between My Mind and My Heart

When my mom saw my situation, she also understood there was something wrong. She took me to a psychiatrist and they confirmed that I had clinical depression.
Webinar 06.08.2023

Can Virtual Reality (VR) Reduce Anxiety?

Listen in on this fascinating and very timely conversation between Neal Sideman and virtual reality (VR) expert psychologist Elizabeth McMahon as they discuss how VR can reduce anxiety. Learn about VR. What is it and how is it used in therapy? What kinds of anxiety problems can VR help?

Personal Story 06.08.2023

Healing Physical and Mental Trauma Bone by Bone: Depression, Anxiety & PTSD After the Amtrak 188 Train Crash

To me, a survivor of trauma was someone who had been in a gruesome war or was violently abused or someone who was trafficked. I was just in a really bad accident, no one intended to hurt me. I should be happy that I survived when others didn’t and yes I was in pain all the time and I felt lousy, but I was one of the lucky ones. How could I be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder?