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Brent P. Forester, MD, MSc, is the chief of the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry at McLean Hospital and medical director for Behavioral Health in the Center for Population Health Management at Partners HealthCare. Dr.

Member Since 2018

Webinar 08.07.2018

The Effects of Racism on Mental Health: How to Cope

This webinar focuses on the negative impact of racism on mental health symptoms for people of color.  In addition, we will provide some coping resources to deal with the stress, anxiety, and overall emotional toll of racism.

Page 08.07.2018

Eating Disorders: Treatment

While the seriousness of eating disorders should not be underestimated, eating disorders are not hopeless. Getting a diagnosis is only the first step towards recovery from an eating disorder.

Dr. Singley is a San Diego-based board certified psychologist and Director of The Center for Men’s Excellence.

Webinar 08.06.2018

Fatherhood: Meeting the Challenge of Becoming a New Dad

While most mental health clinicians and organizations focus on the mother-child relationship, a wealth of research now shows that fathers can strongly impact – and be impacted by – their partners’ and babies’ well-being throughout the perinatal period.

Personal Story 08.03.2018

Sink The Stigma

Topanga Brown (2)_0.jpgDepression and anxiety are widespread across the world. For too many, it is a difficult topic to talk about, and I know this first hand.

Article 07.26.2018

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are serious but treatable illnesses that involve irregular eating habits and a severe concern about body weight, shape, or overall appearance. They affect all genders, although rates among women and girls are 2.5 times greater than among men and boys.