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Webinar 03.07.2024

Communicating With Challenging Patients and Their Families

This April 25 live CE eligible webinar with Dr. Lawrence Amsel will focus on methods for improving communication and engagement and developing strategies that will avoid common misunderstandings in these clinical situations and improve both clinical efficiency and patient outcomes.
Personal Story 03.04.2024

I Loved My Dad So Much

As a kid, mental health was a confusing mystery that no adult that I knew addressed with me. Coping skills, stress, anxiety, depression, and substance use all seemed like things to figure out on my own or with kids my own age who knew little more than I did.

Ken Goodman, LCSW,

Blog post 03.01.2024

Don’t Wait 17 Years: Get Help for OCD

Folks with OCD see 14-17 years, on average, between OCD symptoms appearing and getting a correct diagnosis. Here are four steps as a guide to better outcomes.

Kiesa Kelly, PhD, is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and OCD specialist. Her telepsychology practice offers ERP/ACT, I-CBT, and other evidence-based approaches to adults in the 39 PsyPact states. In 2003, Dr.

Helene earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Special Education and her Master of Education in counseling from Northern Arizona University.

Beth earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Arizona State University and a Master of Education in counseling from Northern Arizona University. She is a Licensed professional Counselor in the state of Arizona with experience in educational mental health settings.

Blog post 02.29.2024

Hope for Christians with OCD

Christians with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) may be especially alarmed by intrusive thoughts that involve aggressive, sexual, or religious themes. Christians with OCD might start to wonder, “What does it mean about me, that I’m having this thought?” and may wonder if they secretly are, deep down, a pedophile, murderer, or monster.

Oxana Stebbins, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist and founder of the Anxiety & OCD Treatment Center based in Florida and is able to see individuals in most states via telehealth. Dr.

Blog post 02.27.2024

Opening a Private Practice

In 2009 I decided to step out of my comfort zone and open a solo private practice. I’ve enjoyed the last 15 years in private practice, and looking back, there are some choices I made that were on point, some that were errors in judgements, but all were learning experiences.