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DA Cover June 2017Cropped_1_2.jpg  ADAA's official online journal.              Free subscription for ADAA members.    Per the ISI Journal Citation Reports            Impact factor of 4.971. Learn more


  Primer on Anxiety Disorders:Translational Perspectives on           Diagnosis and Treatment
  Drs. Kerry J. Ressler, Daniel S. Pine, and Barbara Olasov      Rothbaum
  (Oxford University Press, May 2015; paperback; $95.00)
  Order online & save 30%: Enter promo code ampromd9 at      checkout.

PimerADAA offers a wide variety of professional education opportunities. From networking and collaboration opportunities, to webinars, continuing education credits, clinical fellows program, podcasts, blog posts and more. Click here to learn more about all of ADAA's professional education offerings.

Featured podcast: Conquer Your Fear and Phobias for Teens​

ADAA Exclusive: Order online: Primer on Anxiety Disorders: Translational Perspectives on Diagnosis and Treatment. Get a 30% discount.

"ADAA is dynamic, multidisciplinary, and innovative — and it just keeps getting better. What are you waiting for? Join now!"

- Douglas Mennin, PhD

podcast_icon.pngConquer Your Fears and Phobias - For Teens
presented by: Andrea Umbach, Psy.D

 Learn more

