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Ned H. Kalin, MD
Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Hedberg Professor
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health


Welcome to ADAA's Professional Community

ADAA is the only multidisciplinary professional organization in mental health that engages the world’s leading experts who focus on anxiety, depression and co-occurring disorders. Engaging a membership of more than 1,500 professionals, ADAA strives to improve patient care by promoting implementation of evidence-based treatments and best practices across disciplines through trainings, continuing education and accelerating dissemination of research into practice.

  ADAA promotes scientific innovation and engages a diverse network of clinicians and basic and clinical anxiety and depression researchers with diverse backgrounds in medicine, psychology, social work, counseling, nursing, neuroscience, genetics, epidemiology, and other disciplines to advance science and new treatments. 

⇒  ADAA member dues help support the free information and resources that are provided to the more than 11 million unique annual website visitors to Membership dues also help fund the research that will one day prevent and cure anxiety, depression and related disorders. 

Mental health apps can be effective tools that make therapy more accessible, efficient, and prtable for those with anxiety disorders, depression, OCD, PTSD, and other related disorders.


To select an app for its benefits and ease of use, read the reviews below by ADAA members. These volunteer reviewers are mental health professionals with degrees in psychology, dedicine, social work, and counseling; they are not involved in the development or marketing of mobile apps.

App developers: Interested in marketing opportunities? Contact us.

Ease of Use How easy was it to use this app at first? 1 = very difficult; 5 = very easy
Effectiveness How likely will the content provide the tools or methods to accomplish its purpose? 1 = highly unlikely; 5 = highly likely(Recommendations: Education, Screening, Self-Monitoring, Treatment)
Personalize What is its ability to personalize an individual's needs? 1 = no ability; 5 complete ability
Interactive/Feedback How interactive is the app in 1 giving feedback? 1 = not interactive, no feedback; 5 = very interactive, helpful feedback
Research Evidence Does scientific research demonstrate its effectiveness? 1 = no research evidence; 5 = ample research evidence



For media/press inquiries please email Lise Bram, Deputy Executive Director or call 240-485-1016. For general information please email [email protected].

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Anxiety and Depression Support


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