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Webinar 04.07.2020

Engaging Children and Teens in Telemental Health

The COVID19 pandemic has required mental health practitioners to shift from providing largely in-person therapeutic intervention, to operating a complete Telemental Health psychotherapy practice.  This change not only requires knowledge of ethical and legal requirements (i.e.

Blog post 04.06.2020

Transgender OCD: A New Theme Following a Familiar Pattern

In the early 2000s, patients started reporting a new worry to their OCD therapists: what if I’m gay? This thought was often prefaced by patients declaring that they weren’t homophobic, but the fear was still there. The theme was dubbed homosexual OCD or HOCD.

Personal Story 04.03.2020

A Glimpse of What it Feels Like

“You have no idea what it feels like inside my brain,”
My child once said to me, as I was losing my patience and compassion

Personal Story 04.03.2020

My Reason for Fighting

It seems so unreal that back in 2000 when I was first diagnosed with depression and anxiety that I could ever imagine I would have found the PERFECT tool for my toolbox and my BEST medicine; that would have helped me cope with all these important mental health issues that I face.